Issues > Food & Drink > Environment > Packaging & Waste
Packaging & Waste
Product packaging takes valuable resources to produce, involves processes which pollute air and water, and is often thrown out at the end of its short life, ending up in landfill. Australia consumes over 3.4 million tonnes of packaging every year- that's about 165kg per person - only 48 per cent is recycled.
Minimise packaging. Remember the waste hierarchy: avoid first, reuse where possible, then recycle. Check out what your council kerbside collection takes for recycling.
Avoid double packaging and unlabelled plastic tubs. Buy in bulk where possible. BYO bags, BYO containers. Doing take-away? BYO plate. Pack green groceries loose in a box or basket.
BYO take-away coffee mug
Choose plastics '1' & '2' (commonly recycled within Australia) over 4, 5 & 6 where possible (often processed overseas). Avoid '3' - PVC produces hazardous by-products (dioxins) when recycled
Take on the 'Plastic Free July' challenge